What should i do if i forget my Stockbit Account PIN?
Trading PIN is required to access the trading portfolio and profile. If you forget your trading PIN, follow these steps:
Click Start Trading in the right corner of the Home page

Click Forgot PIN

Enter Your Passport Number, then click Submit
You could neglect the command to input KTP number as It's supposed to be your ID number, for Indonesia it will be KTP number and for foreigner it will be passport number

You will receive a Verification Code which will be sent to the registered Mobile Number

After getting the verification code, enter the code then click Submit. If you don't receive the SMS, click Resend

You will receive a verification email to registered email address

The email will appear with the subject "Forgot your Stockbit Sekuritas PIN". In the email there is a Reset Trading PIN button to continue the PIN change process

Click Ganti PIN button on the email

You will be directed to the PIN change page

Enter the new PIN and confirm the PIN, then click Submit

Done. You can login your Stockbit trading account using new PIN.

Diperbarui pada: 03/06/2024
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